I cannot believe how quickly time moves. It does not seem like this triathlon could be here and gone already...oh but it is!
I had a great time going away for the first time on a 'girls weekend' and including a triathlon in the mix. It was a whirlwind of a trip, but it was so worth it.
Alex and I drove over on Friday and got there in just enough time to check our bikes and get our race packets. Then, off to
Pei Wei Asian Diner for some yummy terriyaki chicken, veggies and rice. Then, home to lay out all my stuff and hit the bed. I was So tired.
After a great night sleep, the alarm went off way too soon. Sent my husband a text that read "Always wonder why I do these things when the alarm goes off in the morning"...and that is so true. Hate getting up that early, but glad it is worth it in the end.
Next, off to the event. The parking was a little bit of a pain because they wouldn't let everyone into the resevouir so we had to park at the local high school and walk in. It took 7-10 minutes to walk in so it wasn't too bad, but still kind of a pain. Luckily the scenary was beautiful and put my nerves at peace!

Into the line for body markings, and the bathrooms! They had lots so that was nice, it went quick. Set up my transition and I am ready to get the show on the road. My only goal this time was to get out of the water without feeling like I got beat up. I wanted to have a good swim. We went down to the water's edge and they started lining up the different waves. I was in the 4th of 5 waves so I had a little while to wait. I got in the water did a few strokes and felt like I was ready to go. Found my girl friends in line and wished them luck and then went over to watch the waves start. Finally it was my turn. I positioned myself in the front right side of the swim start. I figured that I liked to be passed better than trying to pass so if I put myself up there the fast people could pass me and I would settle in quicker. I was right. I placed myself perfectly and got into my groove much sooner than I have in the past. I was almost 3/4 of the way out when I hard the next wave start. I couldn't believe how far I had come in 5 minutes! Yeah, I felt great! On the home stretch, I felt great. I was passing people, staying within what I felt I could do and almost liked the swim! I only got passed by 2 girls in the wave behind me and one was Winter, from
Team Winter. Go read about her, she is amazing! I felt good about her passing me :). My final swim time was 17:58. I was happy to be on dry land again, but I felt great after the swim, which has never happened.
T1 was a pain. We had to run up from the swim out and go up stairs and the boat ramp and it was long and frustrating to already feel my legs tiring just to get into transition. Once there, I had to take off my wetsuit, which i have never had to do because the other races have people there to help you. I just sat down by my bike and took it off so it wasn't too big of deal. I hate putting my wet feet into socks and shoes, but alas, it comes with the racing game!
Onto the bike course, the race packet said it was 'pretty' flat...hahaha. There were very few flat parts. Hills were everywhere. It was as tough course and I had to put my gears all the way to the easiest possible to get up some of them. I still had a great time biking and loved my Daisy. She did well for me again. I actually fueled on the bike this time with Strawberry Heed and Grape Nuun. It was delish. I am glad I did because I really needed the help during my run. It got hot and pushing it so hard on the bike wore me out. I teared up coming in from the bike when I saw kids there cheering for their Moms. I missed my little cheering section. My bike split was 44:54. I will take that on the hardest course I have done yet!
T2 is always quick for me. I have to remind myself to take my helmet off and then put my race belt on and I am off. I walked through transition to get my legs back under me and then took off running once I cross the timing mats.
Oh the run, how I struggle with the run. By the time I get to the run, I am just exhausted and for me to run when exhausted is quite the event. I had a horrible cramp in my neck/shoulder when I started the run and started crying because it hurt so bad. I got it shaken out at about the 1 mile mark, thankfully! The run was on a hot, not shaded course with a few little rolling hills that made it quite difficult for me. My feet were swollen from the drive over and they were just screaming at me. I was SO happy to get some Heed at the aid station. Couldn't have been more happy to see the turn around point and almost lost it when I could hear the finish line :). I pushed through all of the pain I was having and got a great split time... for me. It was 31:53.
Total time: 1:39:18, just slightly faster than my
Snake Tri on a much harder course.
I was proud of what I pushed myself through this time. I had more problems to work through this time than I have in the past 2 triathlons, but I did it. I was rested and ready for this triathlon, just traveling threw my body off I think.
I enjoyed hearing my name called at the end and the the Iron Girl sponge to pour cold water on me! Katie Williams .... YOU are an Iron Girl!! And the post race food was so delicious!
It was so fun to meet a bunch of new girls from Idaho Falls and hope to continue to "Tri" with them in the future! I am so happy with how my first triathlon season went and cannot wait to crush these times some day!