About Me...

Who am I?   I am Katie Williams, a child of God who can do amazing and hard things. I am a wife who loves my husband with all my heart. I am a mother who nurtures and cares for her children. I am a friend who helps when needed. I am ME and so happy with it!!

A little more on all those points :)...

I am a child of God who knows my true potential.  If you want to learn more about why that is a major part of who I am go to LDS.org.

I am a wife of almost 10 years to a very busy husband who loves to stay fit and active too.  He is currently training for a 70.3 IRONMAN and motivates me to do so many of the things I never thought I could do.

I am a mother of 4 children, ages 7, 5, 3, and 1 years old, two boys and two girls that I love so much.  They keep me busy and on my toes but I wouldn't have it any other way.  They bring tears of joy, frustration and happiness to my life on a daily basis and I am so happy to be their mother!

And now onto why I really think I can do amazing and HARD things.  My road (which isn't over) to being a Fit and Fabulous Frog has not been easy!  I have been actively trying to loose weight on and off for 5 years, ever since I had my 2nd baby.  I was not happy with my body and where my health was headed.  My husband asked me if I wanted to be on a relay team with him for a 40 mile race.  I surprisingly said YES and started my training right then and there. I had never run more than what I was required to in school and always joked that the only time I needed to run was around the bases in baseball.  I now had to work up to more than 5 miles.  It wasn't easy, almost every step was hard but I completed that 5 miles with a smile on my face and tears running down my cheeks.  I had done it.  I had done what I set out to do, even when I thought it wasn't possible.  What an amazing journey!  Ever since then I have done various races and athletic adventures all with varying degrees of hardness and successes but the same result comes from every one I try.  I CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!

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