Friday, March 8, 2013

Dear Body...

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 Last week I posted about what makes me Beautiful, besides my body. It was National Eating Disorder Awareness week and throughout blog land, there were plenty of posts being written that I loved and really connected to.  I really LOVED this one from Love, Life, Surf.  It inspired me to write a letter to my body too.  I think it is important to remember what our bodies do for us and not just focus on what it isn't doing or what we don't like.

So here is my letter...

Dear Body,

Thank you for being mine for the past 29 years.  We have had our ups and our downs, our hardships, our pleasures but we have always stayed together and I am grateful for that.

I am sorry for not acknowledging your needs for so many years. I am sorry that I took time for everyone else but you. I am sorry that it has taken me this many years of neglecting you to realize just how much you need to be feed, spiritually, mentally and physically.  I realize now just how important you are for me to be able to accomplish my dreams.

Thank you for sticking with me.  Thank you for sending the signals that helped me find out what was wrong.  Thank you for being strong enough to bounce back to good health.  Thank you for carrying and creating 4 beautiful children who bring so much joy to my life.  Thank you for taking care of me even when I didn't take care of you.  

I will be forever thankful to you, my body, for the wonderful things you have helped me accomplish in this life.  I am learning to love and embrace your flaws and celebrate the wonderful things you do have! Thank you from the bottom of your heart!

Love, Me

What do you love about yourself?  What do you wish you could tell your body?

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